--January 2014--
Then He said, "Do not come near here; remove your sandals from your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground." Exodus 3:5 NASBAs Christians, we are made perfect in Christ. Christ is Holy aka God is Holy. God is with us every moment of every day. Not just in church, not just at Bible study. He's with us when we wake up in the morning, and get our coffee. He's with us when we go to school, or work. He's with us when we come home. He's with us when we run low on milk, and have to run to the store. He's with us when we're running late, or on time. He's with us even when the cat threw up a hairball on the carpet.
So here's an interesting thought: If God is with us all the time, doesn't that mean that every moment is holy?
In Exodus, it is recorded that God tells Moses, "...remove your sandals from your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground."
Right now, as you read this on the computer, it is a holy moment. You are "standing" on holy "ground."
Now with that thought, how does it make you think towards your life? With that thought, how should it affect you? What does it mean to you in the morning when you are first waking up? What does it mean to you when you get your morning coffee? What does it mean to you when you go to school, or work as the case may be? What does it mean to you when you come home? What does it mean to you when you find that you're low on milk and end up running to the store for some more? What does it mean when you're late for something you should have been on time for? What does it mean to you when you're about to run out the door, just to find that the cat threw up a hairball onto the carpet?
This is something that a person shared last Sunday morning, and it's really stuck with me ever since.
God is always working all things for good, big or small. It doesn't matter whether I scream, shout, complain, or just grumble. He promises to work all things for good, and this week He has shown me that in a very real way.
So with these two thoughts, I'm left examining my own actions: how do I respond?
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